Through literature, film, and other media, the Writing Injustice Book Group invites the Guilford community to explore the issues of race and inequality that shape our history and our world.
Conversations will be led and facilitated by Hazel V. Carby, the Charles C. and Dorathea S. Dilley Professor Emeritus of African American Studies and Professor Emeritus of American Studies at Yale University, and Donna Daniels, Ph.D., CEO of Possibility Labs, and Cultural Anthropologist.
The Old Drift (2019) by Namwali Serpell
The New York Times described Namwali Serpell’s The Old Drift as “a dazzling book… an intimate, brainy, gleaming epic.” Published in 2019, this prizewinning novel is set mostly in what is now Zambia though it spans four continents closely tracking the fortunes of three families (black, white, brown) across four generations extending from colonial times to the near future.
Copies of The Old Drift will be available at the Reference Desk.
Additional titles in the Writing Injustice Book Discussion Series include:
- Braiding Sweetgrass (2013) by Robin Wall Kimmerer (Wednesday, March 19 at 7pm)
This program is free and open to all.
Please register.