Principals of Guilford Institute and Principals of Guilford High School

Principals of Guilford Institute 1855 to 1875 and Guilford High School 1875 to 1901.

Dublin Core


Principals of Guilford Institute and Principals of Guilford High School


Principals of Guilford Institute 1855 to 1875, and Guilford High School 1875 to 1901. Eli T. Mack, 1855; Augustine Hart, 1858; J. Wilson Ward, 1860; Henry S. Barnum, 1862; Joseph L. Daniels, 1863; Winthrop D. Sheldon, 1864; Edwin H. Wilson, 1865; James P. Hoyt, 1867; Frederic S. Thompson, 1869; Charles S. Gordon, 1871; John P. Slocum, 1872; Melville A. Stone, 1876; Associate Principals 1877: Kate M. Dudley, and Carrie P. Hull; Chas H. Levermore, 1879; Walter H. Buel, 1883; Carll A. Lewis, 1884, 1898; Robert H. Lewis, 1887; Chas L. Wallace, 1889; Arthur M. Hyde, 1889; Wilbur E. Soule, 1892; Frederic T. Sharpe, 1897.


Edith B. Nettleton Historical Room Collection


Guilford Free Library


Call Number: Metal map case.


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“Principals of Guilford Institute and Principals of Guilford High School,” Guilford Free Library Archives, accessed September 19, 2024,