A New General Chart of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, Including the Navigation from The Cape of Good Hope Round New Holland to Canton in China 1791

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A New General Chart of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, Including the Navigation from The Cape of Good Hope Round New Holland to Canton in China 1791


A New General Chart of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, including the navigation from the Cape of Good Hope round New Holland to Canton in China. Deduced from the latest surveys and most accurate observations. By John Hamilton Moore; Hydrographer & Chartfeller to his Royal Highness The Duke of Clarence. London, published as the Act directs, Feb. 1st, 1791 by J.H. Moore, No.2, King Street, Tower Hill.

Chart used for whaling by Captain Frederick Weld of Guilford, Connecticut. 


Edith B. Nettleton Historical Room Collection


Guilford Free Library


ca. 1791


Chart image and digitized copy courtesy of Malcolm Hill, Stephen Dudley, Joe Helander, and Bill Markham.


Digital image © Guilford Free Library. All rights reserved. Image may be used for personal research or educational uses without prior permission. For requests or exhibits, see Guilford Free Library.


“A New General Chart of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, Including the Navigation from The Cape of Good Hope Round New Holland to Canton in China 1791,” Guilford Free Library Archives, accessed September 19, 2024, https://guilfordfreelibrary.org/gflarchives/items/show/1233.