Code of Conduct

As a taxpayer-supported institution, the Guilford Free Library is responsible for establishing rules of conduct to protect the rights and safety of all Library patrons, volunteers and staff, and for preserving and protecting the Library’s materials, equipment, facilities and grounds.

To this end, the Library has developed a Code of Conduct defining unacceptable behavior, and suggesting conduct that is appropriate in the Library. Violations of this Code will result in increasing levels of action, ranging from asking the patron to leave the Library for the remainder of the day, to permanent loss of Library privileges, to legal prosecution. The level of action shall be determined on a case-by-case basis and shall be within the sole discretion of the Library Director or his/her designee.

Unacceptable behavior includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Loud, disruptive conversations including shouting are not permitted.
  • Throwing, running or climbing in the Library or on the Library grounds is not permitted.
  • Use of profane and/or abusive language is not permitted.
  • No more than one person to a computer or one person to a chair.
  • Indiscriminate pulling of materials from shelves in a manner that disrupts the orderly and proper arrangement of Library materials is not permitted.
  • Radios and other sound producing devices may not be used in the Library unless they are used with headphones and the sounds are not audible to others.
  • Cell phones are permitted only in designated areas. Conversations must be quiet enough so that other patrons are not disturbed. Those carrying out loud or disruptive cell phone conversations will be asked to leave.
  • Solicitation, vending and distribution of petitions or surveys are not permitted in the Library.
  • Animals are not allowed inside the Library. Service animals are permitted.
  • Food and drink spillage can damage valuable resources. Since care needs to be exercised, we ask that you refrain from having food and drink around any computer or electronic equipment. The patron is responsible for any damage done by food and/or drink.
  • Only staff and authorized individuals are allowed in staff areas.
  • Skateboarding and rollerblading are not permitted anywhere on Library property.
  • Smoking is not permitted anywhere on Library property.
  • There shall be no loitering on Library grounds.
  • Viewing and/or displaying information or images that are obscene, pornographic or harmful to minors (consistent with state laws and/or local standards) via the Library’s public-access computers or through any other methods is not permitted.
  • Library staff cannot be expected to assume responsibility for the care of unsupervised children under the age of twelve (12). Parents or legal guardians are responsible for the behavior of their children.
  • Children twelve (12) years of age and younger must be accompanied by and at all times be under the supervision of a parent or other responsible caregiver. The Library staff and this policy recognize that the children’s area of the Library may be louder and have more commotion than the adult areas of the Library. However, if a child is disruptive and cannot be quieted or calmed, the parent or caregiver may be asked to remove the child from the Library.
  • All patrons must leave the premises after closing, unless they are participating in a prescheduled program or meeting.
  • Harassment of others, either verbally or by physical actions is not permitted. This includes any actions that other patrons or staff members perceive to be harassing.
  • Threatening others either verbally or by physical actions is not permitted. This includes any actions that other patrons or staff members perceive to be threatening.
  • Anyone involved in the theft, defacement or mutilation of Library materials or property will be subject to arrest and prosecution.
  • Use of alcohol and narcotics is not permitted. Patrons under the influence of either alcohol or narcotics will not be allowed on the Library premises.
  • Carrying weapons of any kind is not permitted. This does not apply to law enforcement officers.

These policies are drafted in accordance with Sec. 11-32 and Sec. 53-21a of the Connecticut General Laws.

Code of Conduct

As a taxpayer-supported institution, the Guilford Free Library is responsible for establishing rules of conduct to protect the rights and safety of all Library patrons, volunteers and staff and for […]

As a taxpayer-supported institution, the Guilford Free Library is responsible for establishing rules of conduct to protect the rights and safety of all Library patrons, volunteers and staff and for preserving and protecting the Library’s materials, equipment, facilities, and grounds.

To this end, the Library developed a Code of Conduct defining unacceptable behavior and suggesting conduct that is appropriate in the Library. Violations of this Code will result in increasing levels of action, ranging from asking the patron to leave the Library for the remainder of the day, to permanent loss of Library privileges or legal prosecution. The level of action shall be determined on a case-by-case basis and shall be within the sole discretion of the Library Director or his/her designee.

Unacceptable behavior includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Loud, disruptive conversations including shouting are not permitted.
  • Throwing, running, or climbing in the Library or on the Library grounds is not permitted.
  • Use of profane and/or abusive language is not permitted.
  • No more than one person to a computer or one person to a chair.
  • Indiscriminate pulling of materials from shelves in a manner that disrupts the orderly and proper arrangement of Library materials is not permitted.
  • Radios and other sound producing devices may not be used in the Library unless they are used with headphones and the sounds are not audible to others.
  • Cell phones are permitted only in designated areas. Conversations must be quiet enough so that other patrons are not disturbed. Those carrying out loud or disruptive cell phone conversations will be asked to leave.
  • Solicitation, vending, and distribution of petitions or surveys are not permitted in the Library.
  • Animals are not allowed inside the Library. Service animals are permitted.
  • Food and drink spillage can damage valuable resources. Since care needs to be exercised, we ask that you refrain from having food and drink around any computer or electronic equipment. The patron is responsible for any damage done by food and/or drink.
  • Only staff and authorized individuals are allowed in staff areas.
  • Skateboarding and rollerblading are not permitted anywhere on Library property.
  • Smoking is not permitted anywhere on Library property.
  • There shall be no loitering on Library grounds.
  • Viewing and/or displaying information or images that are obscene, pornographic or harmful to minors (consistent with state laws and/or local standards) via the Library’s public-access computers or through any other methods is not permitted.
  • Library staff cannot be expected to assume responsibility for the care of unsupervised children under the age of twelve (12). Parents or legal guardians are responsible for the behavior of their children.
  • Children twelve (12) years of age and younger must be accompanied by and at all times be under the supervision of a parent or other responsible caregiver. The Library staff and this policy recognize that the children’s area of the Library may be louder and have more commotion than the adult areas of the Library. However, if a child is disruptive and cannot be quieted or calmed, the parent or caregiver may be asked to remove the child from the Library.
  • All patrons must leave the premises after closing, unless they are participating in a prescheduled program or meeting.
  • Harassment of others, either verbally or by physical actions is not permitted. This includes any actions that other patrons or staff members perceive to be harassing.
  • Threatening others either verbally or by physical actions is not permitted. This includes any actions that other patrons or staff members perceive to be threatening.
  • Anyone involved in the theft, defacement, or mutilation of Library materials or property will be subject to arrest and prosecution.
  • Use of alcohol and narcotics is not permitted. Patrons under the influence of either alcohol or narcotics will not be allowed on the Library premises.
  • Carrying weapons of any kind is not permitted. This does not apply to law enforcement officers.

These policies are drafted in accordance with Sec. 11-32 and Sec. 53-21a of the Connecticut General Laws.


Guilford Free Library
67 Park Street, Guilford CT 06437
Phone: 203-453-8282 Fax: 203-453-8288



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