The Guilford Free Library welcomes volunteers. Volunteer contributions include tasks such as processing and shelving books and DVDs, as well as specialized program instruction. If you have a specific skill in areas such as the arts (eg knitting) or technology (CAD, programming) and can donate time to the library, we would love to hear from you.
Many teens have community service requirements to fulfill for a variety of reasons, and the library is a great place to donate some of your time to reach those goals. If you are interested in volunteering at the library please contact Emma at 203-453-8282 or teenlibrarian@guilfordfreelibrary.org.
The children’s department happily accepts volunteers who are at least 12 years old for shelving books and various projects. To volunteer, please contact Angelina at 203-453-8282 or acarnevale@guilfordfreelibrary.org or stop by the children’s room.