Our Historical Room card catalog points the way to a wealth of historical information
The Historical Room offers a wealth of items and sources, most of which are securely stored. We will do our best to help anyone wishing the explore the collection during regular library hours, but to ensure the best experience possible, we encourage you to book an appointment or to submit an inquiry in advance.
Schedule a Research Appointment
If you would like to schedule an appointment, please email Historical Room Specialist Tracy Tomaselli at ttomaselli@guilfordfreelibrary.org or contact the Historical Room Librarian Danielle Eadevito at deadevito@guilfordfreelibrary.org. Appointments can also be made by calling the library at 203-453-8282.
Send an inquiry
Send in your historical research question and we’ll research it for you! Please describe your question as fully as possible (time frame, location, family name) and we’ll gather any relevant materials, scan them and either email them to you or print and mail them.