Birding with Technology with Joe Attwater

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It’s never been an easier time to be a birder, with new technologies that help you find birds and identify them in the field easily accessible on your phone and on the web. From eBird to Merlin, learn how to make the most of these technologies to plan your next birding trip or figure out what bird you saw out in the field.

Joe Attwater, Conservation & Education Coordinator at the Connecticut Audubon Society’s Roger Tory Peterson Estuary Center holds a B.S. in Wildlife & Conservation Biology from the University of Rhode Island. During college, he assisted with graduate research on migrating songbirds and seabirds and turned to sustainable food systems after graduating. He worked as an AmeriCorps VISTA for two years focusing on local agriculture. Joe leads many of the RTP Estuary Center’s bird-focused community programs and webinars and assists in teaching their K-12 education programs and family programs.

This program is free and open to all.

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