Guilford Art League

March 2nd to March 30th in the Meeting Room and Hallway Galleries

This is the Annual Member show of the Guilford Art League. Our members are encouraged to submit a piece of their art work to be exhibited in the Guilford Library during the month of March. The optional theme this year is “Landscape of the Mind” which asks the question “how are you seeking to bridge the world of the mind with the world outside?”

The Guilford Art League promotes an interest in the arts and provides support for regional artists. We have more than 150 members from all over Connecticut.

There are many opportunities for members to exhibit their work and meet fellow artists. We hold two member shows each year, have our spring Carry-in Supper with a speaker, participate in the summer EXPO on the Guilford Green, and offer quarterly exhibition opportunities in the Guilford Community Center. The Annual Juried Show is held in September in the Gallery at the Guilford Art Center. More info may be obtained on the website:


Guilford Free Library
67 Park Street, Guilford CT 06437
Phone: 203-453-8282 Fax: 203-453-8288



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