Bestselling Author, Writer and Journalist Zoë Schlanger

Thursday, April 24, 2025 7:00 pm

Event Details

The Light Eaters is a New York Times bestseller that has been dubbed a groundbreaking work of popular science that probes the hidden world of the plant kingdom. It is a deep immersion into the drama of green life and the complexity of this wild and awe-inspiring world that challenges our very understanding of agency, consciousness, and intelligence.

Zoë Schlanger is a staff writer at the Atlantic, where she covers climate change. She is the author of The Light Eaters, a New York Times bestselling book about the world of plant-behavior-and-intelligence research, published by HarperCollins. Her work has appeared in The New York Times, NPR, and The New York Review of Books, among other major outlets. She was the recipient of a 2017 National Association of Science Writers reporting award for coverage of air pollution in Detroit, and a finalist for the 2019 Livingston Award for a series on water politics at the Texas-Mexico border. She is often a guest speaker at journalism schools. She lives in New York.

Copies of The Light Eaters will be available for purchase and signing courtesy of Breakwater Books.

This program is free and open to all.

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