A Terrible Place for a Nest by Sara Levine ~ Author Visit & Free Book

Event Details

Listen to the author read her book about a bird that builds its nest in a precarious position, and the child who wants to help it.  Learn about the different kinds of nests birds build in the wild, with real examples.  Then build a giant blanket nest for you and the other kids at the program to play in.  First 30 children who register will get a free autographed copy of the book, courtesy of the Lana Ferguson Literary Festival.  All ages.  Registration required for free book.  Drop-ins welcome for participating in the program without receiving a book.  Wednesday, October 9th from 4:30-5:30pm.  This program will be outdoors, weather permitting, so dress accordingly and feel free to bring your own blanket/chair/etc.

A Terrible Place for a Nest with author Sara Levine

Child's Name(Required)
Parent/adult's email.
Age of participating child.