Meet the author & illustrator behind, “The Book of Turtles”. Learn about turtles, how Sy & Matt made their turtle book, and then meet a turtle in person (courtesy of local rehabber Turtle Haven)! Monday, May 13th from 4:30-5:30pm. Open to all ages, but geared towards ages 4-8. Books will be available for purchase and autographing at this event (courtesy of Breakwater Books). Registration required (scroll down). Generously funded by the Lana Ferguson Literary Festival.
Researching articles, films, and her 31 books for adults and children, nationally bestselling author Sy Montgomery has been chased by an angry silverback gorilla in Rwanda, hunted by a tiger in India, and swum with piranhas, electric eels, and pink dolphins in the Amazon. For her turtle books, she volunteered with several turtle rescue groups and befriended a giant snapping turtle. She lives in New Hampshire with her husband, the writer Howard Mansfield, several turtles, and their border collie Thurber.
Matt Patterson is a professional artist who has exhibited in galleries all over and won many awards for his work. He specializes in realistic drawings and paintings of animals and frequently creates art to raise money and awareness for endangered animals. There’s almost no distance he won’t go, almost nothing he won’t do, to learn all he can about his subjects to make his paintings of wild animals as accurate and lifelike as possible. He’s been bitten by snapping turtles and caught alligators with his bare hands from a kayak. He’s been all over the world, he’s camped in the Everglades, and has visited 48 US states. He lives and works from a home in New Hampshire that he shares with his wife (to whom he proposed in a field full of buffalo), his tortoise, Eddie, his two dogs Roo and Monte, and his snake Ernie. When he’s not painting, he spends his free time looking for turtles and snakes, fishing, and kayaking.
For more information about their program for adults later the same evening, click here.