The teen space is the perfect place for teens in grades 6-12 to read, study or just hang out with friends. It offers comfy seating, computers, board games and thousands […]



The teen space is the perfect place for teens in grades 6-12 to read, study or just hang out with friends.
It offers comfy seating, computers, board games and thousands of books to choose from. Besides the space, the library offers a variety of programs that target all kinds of interests.

Teen & Tween Events


  • Dungeons & Dragons Club (Ages 10-14)
    Feb 24 at 4:30pm

    Do you want to slay monsters and go on adventures? Then come to our Dungeons & Dragons Teens' Club! Beginners and experienced players alike are welcome to join us for epic fun in the original tabletop role-playing game. Feel free to bring your own dice and characters, or you can use ours. All that's required is imagination, a cooperative attitude, and a smidgeon of math to succeed. Meetings will be a continuous 4-week campaign led by experienced Dungeon Master and teen volunteer, Luke!  Free and open to all ages 10-14. Registration is required.

Coming soon:

Teen Collections

Downloads and Streaming

New YA Books

Teen Programs & Resources

The Teen Library offers a variety of programs, services and resources for life, school and beyond:



The library offers access to several Connecticut State Library databases for homework help, as well as a curated list of helpful websites for college prep.

Teen Volunteers

The Guilford Free Library is always excited to have volunteers. Many teens have community service requirements to fulfill for a variety of reasons, and the library is a great place to donate some of your time to reach those goals. If you are interested in volunteering at the library please register for one of our monthly Teen Volunteer Orientations. For more information or questions, please contact the library at 203-453-8282 or

Possible Teen Volunteer Tasks

Decorate the bulletin board in the Young Adult area
Prep materials for future programs
Shelve books
Help run programs

Open to students in grades 7-12.
No meeting, just doing.


Guilford Free Library
67 Park Street, Guilford CT 06437
Phone: 203-453-8282 Fax: 203-453-8288



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