Digital Library

Guilford Free Library offers 24/7 online access to thousands of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines and more. All you need is your Guilford Library card, your computer, tablet or smart phone, and internet access.

Go directly:

Libby & Overdrive

Popular e-books, e-audiobooks, and more for all ages, including digital magazines.


E-books, e-audiobooks, magazines, movies, comics, and TV shows


Educational, entertaining, and enriching films.

Photo of newspapers


The library offers digital access to popular newspapers and news services

Looking for help?

Learn more about what’s available on our digital platforms and how to access and use each one.

  • Libby and Overdrive

    • Titles in the Lion’s Overdrive catalog may be read (or listened to) using the web browser on your computer, or on your mobile device using the Libby app.
    • Titles are available to patrons with a Guilford Free Library card.
    • You may borrow up to 10 items concurrently and have 10 active holds
    • Loan periods are generally 14 days and returns are automatic
    • Ovedrive offers a custom interfaces to age-appropriate and age-themed content for children and for teens magazines
    Libby and Overdrive
  • Hoopla

    • Titles in the Hoopla catalog may be read (or listened to or watched) using the web browser on your computer, or on your mobile device using the Hoopla app.
    • Titles are available to patrons with a Guilford Free Library card.
    • You may borrow up to 4 titles per month
    • Loan periods vary by format. Ebooks, audiobooks and comics may be checked out for 21 days, tv and movies for 3 days, music for 7 days. Returns are automatic.
  • Kanopy

    Create a Kanopy account to watch over 20,000 documentaries, classic, independent and international films, including selections from the Criterion Collection and PBS. Kanopy also offers a customized interface for children aged 2 – 8 years, Kanopy Kids. Kanopy Kids offers a diverse selection of educational content including TV series, animated storybooks, live action features, and animated favorites.

    • Titles in the Kanopy catalog may be watched using your web browser, your smart tv or on a device with the Kanopy app installed.
    • Guilford patrons have 10 Kanopy play credits per month.
    • Once you have selected a film, you have three days to play your selection as many times as you wish.
    • In the Kanopy Kids section, you’ll only see content that’s suitable for children, so kids can browse freely. You can also set up parental controls to ensure children can’t view content outside of Kanopy Kids. Content in Kanopy Kids is credit-free.


Guilford Free Library
67 Park Street, Guilford CT 06437
Phone: 203-453-8282 Fax: 203-453-8288



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