Do you want to slay monsters and go on adventures? Then come to our Dungeons & Dragons Teens’ Club! Beginners and experienced players alike are welcome to join us for epic fun in the original tabletop role-playing game. Feel free to bring your own dice and characters, or you can use ours. All that’s required is imagination, a cooperative attitude, and a smidgeon of math to succeed. Meetings will be a continuous 4-week campaign led by experienced Dungeon Master and teen volunteer, Luke! 

Free and open to all ages 10-14. Registration is required.

Crochet Club for Adults. Every Wednesday at 4:00 pm in the Historical Room. All are welcome! Beginners, experts & everyone in between!

This program is for infants, birth through 11 months, and parent/caregiver.  Discuss developmental topics while your babies play together, hear a story, and meet other families, followed by playtime.  Free […]